Friday, March 15, 2019

Welcome to Our Negative Space

No, it’s not what you’re thinking - Gilbert & Associates does not foster a negative work environment. We’re actually on the other end of that spectrum and it’s apparent once you step into our office.

I’m talking about good negative space. Believe it or not, there is such a thing. In fact, negative space is celebrated in the world of graphic design. Our award-winning Art Director, Amy Landin, can attest to that.

So what is negative space and why is it so important to graphic design? According to SitePoint, “Negative space is the empty or open space around an object that defines it. In layman’s terms, it is the breathing room around the subject that determines how appealing it looks.”

The importance is beautifully explained in that negative space gives us “breathing room.” I personally don’t know anything more important than that, with negative space or anything else in life. Breathing room gives us balance and time to evaluate what we’re feeling, thinking, seeing, hearing, tasting or touching.

Designs that incorporate negative space creates an opportunity for an effortless analyzation of the art. Intelligent graphic design achieves this by utilizing a healthy balance of open area and a thoughtful design.

Negative space is a design aspect that our Art Department strategically uses. I won’t share all of their graphic design strategies: 1). Because we don’t give all our secrets away and 2). Because how they design so magically and effortlessly is something beyond me.

For our Art Department, creating beautiful, innovative and captivating designs are second nature. We are truly grateful for the talent that has walked through our office doors and we’re anticipating another successful year of design.

Want to see what we’ve been working on? Visit to take a look at our portfolio.

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